Legit Essays since Stone Age

During Stone Age period, hominids used to relate differently from each other. There were no specific written rules, but strength and ability to collaborate with others determined the ownership of a property. Rudimentary means of production were used, for instance, use of stone tools to dig roots and cut meat. Life was not bound to follow rules. People lived free but hard life (Dusseldorp, 2010). With the development of capitalism, technology and civilization, everything has changed, ranging from social to economic and political organizations. Nowadays, in every gathering there are specific rules that must be followed to protect the rights of other parties, protect their property and enhance professionalism. In business and employment world, some actors find themselves committing unethical acts such as seen below (Giacalone & Promislo, 2013). Workers have been reported wasting company time.

This unethical behavior is the most practiced. It is not rare to find both senior and junior officers in many companies and famous workplaces conduct personal business at a time when they should be working for the company that employed them. Of recent, workers have been reported of arriving at job places, placing their coats at a strategic position where everyone can see them and disappear from the workplace for several hours. Others make long phone calls while in the workplaces, keeping customers and clients waiting. It is a misuse of time to allow workers go out of jobs for light reasons. All these amounts to time misuse in workplaces and have negative repercussions to the company or institution (McKinney, Emerson, & Neubert, 2010). Use of abusive language. Senior officials in some companies use abusive and undermining language when addressing their juniors. Use of abusive language is more pronounced when issues of race, gender and age are used to differentiate workers. The final outcomes stress and sometimes fights and feelings of revenge among the abused (Giacalone & Promislo, 2013). Theft of company property by employees.

A recent research conducted by FBI found that employee theft is the most growing crime in the United States of America. One in every 40 employees was caught red-handed in 2012 stealing from his employer. Theft by employees ranges from carrying home physical object to making poor calculations in accounting with the intention of stealing (Opoku & Williams, 2010). Lying. Managers of companies and other institutions have been reported to lie their employees especially when they don't want to meet them pay them. On the other hand, employers cheat their bosses often, especially when they are to work or need leave time. I have ever cheated my boss that my tooth was arching to allow out of job place, but I wanted to go to see my lover (Giacalone & Promislo, 2013). Offering poor services knowingly. In some cases, workers give poor services to clients because the services are too demanding, or there is no enough time to make them quality. According to ColwellMichael, Zyphur, & Schminke, 2011, the following code of ethics can be employed to check the above unethical behaviors.

1.Know and respect the company and other people's time when offering your services to the company.

2.Avoid use of foul language when addressing both your juniors and seniors in the workplace.

3.Respect company property and do so to other stakeholder's property.

4.All workers in job place will be expected to conduct themselves in such a professional manner as to shun from cheating.

5.Offer quality and reliable services to the clients as much as you can..

Respect the confidentiality of your colleagues as well as that of customers. In summary, workers have been acting unethically in workplaces despite the existence of ethical codes. It is, therefore, the duty of the every person in the workplace to know and adhere to prevailing ethical codes to avoid conflict. Cheating, time misuse, use of abusive language and so forth are acts that should never be witnessed in modern day job places. i.e check this myessayservices.com/we_guarantee

According to Barker (2003), price is the revenue earner. It is the only element in the marketing mix that generates revenue. All other elements are associated with costs. Pricing can be seen as value extraction activity since it is through pricing that the level of reward is set to all the planning, financing, designing, productive efficiency, skills and quality that have gone into the product. Price has a very strong impact on sales volume and market share. Gabor (1990) also defined pricing as a market earner. He stated that pricing management must determine the right base or price lists for its products, freight management and many other price related situations to arrive at the specific price to be charged. Price may be regarded as the money value of an item expressed in monetary terms such as shillings, dollars etc. a firm is either a price marker or a price taker i.e. its attitude to price may be active or passive. For instance where marked forces determine the milling price and the individual sellers and buyers are so small that they cannot expect to influence the price by then action of each of them still has the choice between acceptance and rejection of the market price. Price determines the revenue of a firm.

Price multiplied by quantity sold gives revenues and revenue less expenses gives profit. Price has a psychological impact on customers. They associate price with revenue. In some cases the customer believes that the more expensive products must be more valuable. The economic role of price is to allocate products that must be related to market opportunities that develop from increases or decreases in demand. There are various methods used in price setting. These include markup method. The most elementary method where a standard markup of the targeted rate or return on investment and perceiving value where most companies base their price on the products perceived value. They see the buyer’s perception of value and not the sellers cost. Felix (2002) Blythe (2006) viewed that pricing is often regarded as the least exciting element of the marketing mix, however it is the only element that directly relates to income and it is also an element which dramatically crosses over to other elements Mc Carthy and Perrault (2002) divided pricing objectives into three major types as follows profit oriented pricing objectives, which include; pricing to realize a target return on investment or to maximize profits (This is the most common). Sales oriented objectives aimed to increase sales either in current or unit terms and objectives to penetrate the market and increase share. As explained in https://myessayservices.com/buy_term_paper/diabetes-control-essay-examples-outline

Firms often aim at a sale-oriented approach, entering a new market so as to maximize share and shut out the competition. This can be an effective strategy in the early stages of product life cycle with the ultimate aim of moving to a profit oriented approach when the market matures and status quo oriented pricing to meet competition or choosing to compete on a non-price basis. Many firms operate a non-price competition to avoid triggering price wars in the industry Competition2 Competition is the reaction exhibited when there are two or more firms offering the same products or services or the close substitute to the products or services. There are four basic kinds of competitive situations namely; pure competition, oligopoly, monopolistic and monopoly. Most product markets head towards pure competition or oligopoly in the long run. In this case, a marketing manager competes for customers against competitors who are offering very similar products. Because customers see different available products or marketing mixes as close substitutes. Lower prices arise especially in pure competition where there are likely to be a large number of competitors. Avoiding pure competition is sensible and certainly fits with the emphasis on tough marketing.

In monopolistic competition, each firm has its own down sloping demand curve but the shape of the demand curve and the elasticity of demand depends on how similar competitors’ products and product mixes are. If potential customers see the different offerings as essential similar, the market will become more and more competitive and firms will have to rely on lower costs to obtain a competitive advantage (Mc Carthy 1993) Armstrong (2006) states that a competitive environment affects the number and type of competitors. The marketing management must face how they behave, although marketing managers usually cannot control these factors. They can choose or come up with strategies that avoid head-on competition. Parker (1993) states that competition is guarantee results to few customers and irregular flow of customers. In the same spirit, Hughes and Kapoor (1999) seem to agree as they state that business competition is essentially rivalry among businesses for sales to potential customers. Competition is at the core of the success or failure of an organization. It is therefore upon each firm to reach out to the customers through promotions in order to educate them and persuade them to buy. According to Richard (2005) every industry has a policy regarding the level at which it is priced relative to competition.

If competition is priced based, an industry bases its price as its competitor’s prices hoping to minimize the use of price as a competitive weapon. Kotler (1995) said that a firm should consistently compare its products, prices and channels launch more precise attacks on its competitors as well as prepare strong defenses against attack and making similar offers to them. It should also pay attentions to its latent competitors who may offer new or other new ways to satisfy the same needs. According to Perreault/Mc Carthy (1993) said it is where one firm provides a certain area/country. An unregulated monopolist might charge high price, do little or no advertising and after minimal service. If partial substitutes are available and there is some danger of competition, the monopolist is required to charge a lower price and provide more services as a matter of public interest. A small number of large firms produce products that range from highly differentiated to standardize. Pure oligopoly consists of a few companies producing would find it hard to change anything more than the going price. If competitors match on price and services the way to gain a competitive advantage is through lower costs. Differentiated oligopoly consists of a few companies producing products partially differentiated along lines of quality, features, styling or services. Each competitor may seek leadership in one of these major attributes, attract the customer favoring that attribute, and charge a price premium for that attribute Perreault/Mc Carthy (1994) he said many competitors are able to differentiate their effects in whole or in part. Competitors focus on market segments where they can meet customer needs in a superior way and command a price premium.

Euthanasia is one of the great ethical debates of our time. It has sharply divided points of view including the author’s non-consequentialist view. I support the same since the end in a few exceptional cases justifies the means; I am for guarded and strictly guided euthanasia. Euthanasia refers to the practice of ending a life in a painless manner usually for the purpose of easing a person’s pain and where the quality of life that one is living is noticeably low as is the case with persons in a vegetative state in hospitals and so on. It is often used in cases where a person has terminal illnesses from which they will never biologically recover.

It is a greatly discussed and dividing issue in the medico-legal world where many players seek to assert their influence and influence policy regarding the practice. There are those who view the practice as a merciful act while others term it murder which in their eyes can never ever be justified. Because of its very nature as many people’s last option, euthanasia is not usually carried out in a pedestrian manner. It requires the fulfillment of many requirements such as the signing of legal documents and consents before the deed is done. Active euthanasia is one of the sub-means through which the end goals of euthanasia are achieved. This refers to the doing of a positive act in order to speed up the death of the person. It can be contrasted with passive euthanasia which involves failing to perform acts that could save the life of someone in order for that person to pass on.

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Non-consequentialism is one of the points of view from which the debate on euthanasia is battled out. It holds that the consequences of an action should not necessarily form the basis for the moral judgment of a certain action. Therefore a moral right does not always involve actions that have ultimate good consequences. The argument here is that some strictly ‘wrong’ things can be done for the right reasons. In the case of euthanasia, the deeds done could be for the purpose of curtailing prolonged suffering of a person who could for example be in pain and suffering a terminal illness. One of the biggest arguments in favor of euthanasia is the call for it to remain a matter of choice. This would mean that the person who is to be euthanized or their properly authorized next of kin or other authorized person should be left to make the choice in clear circumstances.

As such, the choice for or against euthanasia should be left to the person and to their next of kin in line with democracy and the freedom of choice. This would avoid a blanket ban that would even see the rise in such acts as suicides by such persons who are trying to end their misery and suffering. The non-consequentialist view would play a key role in explaining the next point which calls for the quality of life of a person to be taken into account. There are instances where allowing a person to continue living in some conditions would be inhuman and degrading do that person’s dignity. This would leave the option of mercifully ending that person’s life in order to end their suffering as well as the suffering of their families and loved ones who are greatly troubled at the sight and thought of their loved ones in pain and agony or in a dehumanizing condition such as vegetative state. Where pain and suffering are concerned, it is hard to compare one person’s with another.

Equally, it is impossible to know exactly how another person is feeling and so the person in pain and who is suffering should be allowed to decide whether to continue bearing the pain and agony or to end it mercifully. The emotional aspect of the persons who are potential euthanasia recipients should also be considered. This can first be viewed from the view point of their human dignity which would be trampled on if one were allowed to continue living in pain, agony or in a dehumanizing state as aforementioned. The feeling that such persons feel about their state as well as their emotional pain when they see their families and friends crying for them is by all means incomprehensible. To avoid the burden of their emotional pain on top of physical pain which they could not in all probability be able to voice would be inhumane to say the least.

There is also need for hospitals and other medical services providers to balance the needs of the greater patient population with those who could potentially never recover such as the very unwell of the terminally ill. This would mean telling their families and them that the prognosis is not good and that the best thing to do would be to salvage their dignity and let them pass on in peace. This would clear up room and free human resources being spent on persons with poor prognosis while they could be directed towards the saving of lives that can actually be saved and of people with a better quality of life. This would go a long way in shortening hospital waiting lists and using resources on actually curable patients and ailments.

The proposed mode of euthanasia however has a few weaknesses. There are for example great moral questions asked of it relating to who and when someone other than the Creator of life should be allowed to take it away. There are also those who argue against euthanasia from a purely legal stand point saying that killing a person is against the law, period. Any act or a failure to act that would cause or fail to prevent a person’s death, they say, is a crime and is illegal and should therefore never be permitted. The theological and religious points of view oppose euthanasia saying that it is against the sanctity of human life. The argument is that life is given by God and that therefore only God should take it away. Many other issues are raised concerning consent and when informed consent can be said to have been given as well as evidence of the same.

Other issues include competence of patients to make decisions when under pressure to relieve their families’ mental anguish and also when in great pain and agony. Euthanasia should be approached very carefully in order to strike the delicate balance that has eluded it for so long. It would be important to take into account all persons views on the subject and also to widely consult on the subject. It is my view that euthanasia should be a matter of choice; it should not be forced on someone and it should not be blocked where one wishes to be euthanized. A case to case basis approach should be adopted towards this end.

How Changes in Economic and Political Establishments Have Contributed to Women’s Rising Status


The recent past has seen women’s rising status improve in economic and political institutions. The rising trend has been attributed to changes in men’s social dominance, gender inequality, prejudice and discrimination in economic, cultural and political aspects.

The reorganization of political and economic institutions has detached itself from gender (Skolnick 80). Women were considered misfits in the economic and political arenas in the past and male dominance prevailed for decades. Economic and political powerhouses evaluated the need for migration and reorganization without focusing on household’s opportunities with respect to the power of men and women. The economic and political power imbalance between men and women resulted because the social system could not recognize the role of women in the process. There were profound prejudice and discrimination against women despite rallying behind male political and economic figures in American history. The recent decade saw the efforts of women getting considered by the visible figures in positions of authority. The success of women has been founded on visible conflicts between women and men-dominated political and economic institutions. Women have influential statuses in different parts of the world and having the same voice as their male counterparts.

Organizations have created non-bureaucratic policies to promote efforts of women and men. The social conditions in the past could not allow women to push fundamental processes in economic and political disciplines. The situation evoked conflicts between the women and men who were pushing variant agendas, and the prevailing male dominance suppressed the will of women. Over the years the need to have institutions that consider efforts of both and women has created a room for women resulting in gender equality. The proponents of gender equality did not unleash the policies based on any concrete consequences. Men have restrained their patriarch rule over their daughters and wives giving them an opportunity to determine political and economic courses of their lives. The current rising status of women has been as a result of changing demands within organizations to become reckoning forces irrespective of the gender (Skolnick 80). The male controlled institutions have registered a failure, and that has changed their interests in the last 150 years. There are now evident advantages in strategies pushed by women figures.

The transformation of women can be attributed to lost allegiance of social power to gender inequality (Skolnick 80). Control over legal rights, economic resources and legitimate does not depend on gender in virtually all economic and political institutions. Businesses and political are more determined to pursue profit, political legitimacy, healthy competitiveness, organization stability and efficiency than promote gender-based privileges. Politicians want backup from men and women who share their pursuit of success and wealth. Every person with the ability to vote or offer relevant skills at work, is viable for a high position irrespective of their status in the family. The discrimination against women has declined, and their status has risen.

The opportunities for women have also changed through the historical periods.

How Opportunities for Women Have Changed Through Different Historical Periods

The inauguration of the American ideal of equality in 1776 gave women a platform to offer input in revolutionary change. The American institutional framework did not anticipate any change in gender equality following Declaration of Independence. Women were down-trodden culturally and politically by leaders afterward, but historical circumstances changed the stance. Women then became same as men because the society was not ready to confront cultural and experiences concerns in the past. The move paved way for the establishment of basic American rights and laws to institute a fair nation-building process for all.

The advent of Jacksonian Democracy in 1830s changed the social perception of women (Skolnick 82). Women did not have rights to vote or to assume any political position in the country. In addition, men were legally entitled to every inherited property and income from their wives. Women could not end the marriage through divorce or undertake any legal contract process. The situation was the same in Athens where civil society dubbed women adjuncts to men. However, the status has changed today with women enjoy same independent citizenship as men. Politics, marriage, property ownership, economic success or public advocacy is not limited to the power of men like in the past. Changes in the opportunities for women in legal, political and economic status has changed through  Era of Separate Spheres, egalitarian Illusions Assimilation to residual inequalities in the 90s (Skolnick 1983).

The rising status of women grants the power to pursue higher education, sexuality, equal cultural image and economic status. Race and age have been influential factors in the process with respect to rights and resources in legal, political and economic aspects. The opportunities for women have been boosted by academic institutions over the last decade irrespective of their race, class or culture (Skolnick 86).

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Work Cited

Skolnick, Arlene S, and Jerome H Skolnick. Family In Transition. 17th ed. New York: HarperCollins, 2013. Print.


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BTW one last point. Failure is not about insecurity. It’s about lack of execution. - Jeffrey Gitomer